sb collage


Students Parliament and Union Executive

The elected/nominated representatives from each class constitute the Parliament. The Union Executive consisting of the Chairman, Vice Chairman, General Secretary, Arts Club Secretary, Chief Student Editor and two University Union Councilors are elected by the Parliament from among the members. The Principal shall be the ex-officio Patron of the Parliament and the Union Executive. The moderator of the Parliament is the convenor of the student affairs committee. There will be two staff advisors to the Union Executive, of which one shall act as the treasurer. The Union Executive shall be accountable to the staff council and to the Parliament. Important decisions should be ratified by these bodies. It is the duty of the executive to strive hard to realise its objectives and to co-operate with the principal and staff in the maintenance of discipline. All the students are members of the college union.
  • Mr Ajai Jose (College Union Advisor)
  • Mr Renjith Thomas (College Union Advisor)